Saturday, April 23, 2011

Five-act tragedy controversial board members in Indonesia

1. Al Amin Chairman (Chairman of the Board of the United Development Party) Female Entertainers Messages

JAKARTA - The Central Executive Council of the United Development Party (DPP PPP) through Sekjennya, Irgan Chairul persda Mahfidz specifically to the network, on Tuesday (8 / 7) expressed disappointment, related to the unfolding of another case in the trial of Al Amin Nur Nasution at the Corruption Court on Monday (7 / 7) yesterday. What makes the DPP PPP is worried and embarrassed, said Irgan, related to Al-Amin's phone conversation with Secretary Bintan Riau province, which turned out Azirwan, Al Amin ordered comfort women for the smooth transfer of functions of protected forests Bintan.

Irgan later explained, on the unfolding of this, within a period not too long DPP PPP will hold a meeting to decide the future of Al Amin Nur Nasution as a cadre party. Irgan admitted that he had set up some sanctions to be given to the husband pedangdut Kristina (
Indonesia) this.

"There are few sanctions that will be given to Al-Amin as soon as possible. First, the position of Al-Amin as the Chairman of the branch of PPP is now non-active status, will soon didefinitifkan. Then, will take immediate steps to make the turn over time (PAW) in the House and last yag , probably could have membership in question will be removed from the party, "said Irgan.

Meanwhile, the National Honorary (BK) DPR also provides related reaction that involved four members of the Parliament of the facts revealed in the trial of Al Amin Nur Nasution. In the trial, witnesses Sagita Hariadin, one of the KPK investigators revealed, not only Al Amin Nur Nasution who lobbied Secretary Azirwan Bintan related transfer functions of forests.
2. Track Tifatul Arifinto-MCC Porn Videos

VIVAnews-Members of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Arifinto seen watching a porn video when he joined the House of Representatives plenary session. The incident was immortalized by a photograph of a media reporter. Many people deplore acts council member who sits on the House of Representatives Commission V, including the Minister of Communications and Informatics, Tifatul Sembiring. Tifatul PKS politician who also claims to be surprised by his colleagues in the party doing it.

According to Tifatul, the incident should not be a legislator, especially when following the plenary meeting. Incident, said the former president of MCC, there have been serious from the public spotlight. So that adds a negative image for the Parliament.
Tifatul ask people to comply with legislation and regulations. You see, in Act Information and Electronic Transaction provides threat of six to 12 years in prison for spreading pornographic content on the internet.

"The key is in the user community itself, must have the awareness to use the Internet for positive things. Although 90% more pornographic content is blocked, but the name of technology can be tricked. So the people themselves should be aware," said Tifatul. However, Tifatul claimed not to know whether Arifinto including category spreaders in the case. "According to the parliamentarians concerned, he sent emails, opened pas turned out pornographic content, immediately removed," he said. Tifatul himself did not want to speculate a possible political pitfalls in the case Arifinto it.
Although he thought it might happen trap, Tifatul admitted to not going into that realm.

3. Members of the Board of Commission XI of the Democratic Party of Struggle Faction Max Moein Shur photo with former staff.

Max Moein is one board member of Commission XI of the Democratic Party of Struggle faction. New - recently reported that more exciting pictures again one outstanding board members, the photo is a picture of Max Moein exciting bare-chested with a woman who is a former staff, who named Desi Vidyawati. He is accused of stealing, then fired as the staff in 2006.
As reported previously, outstanding photos exciting PDIP faction members of the House of Max Moein with a beautiful woman. Photo close-ups (chest up) vice-chairman of the House Commission XI seems enshrined in a room.
Allegedly, it is a hotel room or apartment. Allegations arose after seeing background pictures as central air conditioning that are attached to the wall. Such conditioning functioned normally in the hotel rooms and apartments.
However, Max Moein it denied that it was a photo in the hotel room, as I quoted from the following Legal "That photo in the pool. Use-wear swimsuits and towels too, "Max said when met at the
Parliament Building, Regions Senayan, Jakarta, Friday (23/05/2008)

4. Video nasty member of Parliament Yahya Zaini Maria Eva by

Maria Eva, dangdut singer, has admitted he was the woman that nasty scene with Maria eva pedangdut Indonesia. Members of parliament from the Golkar Party faction, YZ. Gonzo video was widely circulated in the community, even now worldwide. However, she asserted herself not as a disseminator video 'hot' it. The assurance was conveyed attorney Maria Eva,. Ruhut been asked Maria Eva to be a lawyer in the case of horrendous sex scandal of this Parliament. "Yes indeed, it was drawing him," said Ruhut when asked whether she admits that her nasty scene with YZ. According Ruhut, Maria indeed has given such recognition. In fact, she claimed to have known YZ since a few years ago. Ruhut explained, since the case is circulating a video nasty, Maria Eva depressed. In fact, elements of the Golkar Party has asked Maria Eva to immediately flee to Singapore. "Tickets for he has provided to my clients," said Ruhut. However, Maria Eva reject it and now still in Jakarta.

5. President Must Follow the Parliament Building Marzuki Ali Questions

Jakarta - NGO observers FITRA budget request President crack down on the House chairman Marzuki Alie. That's because Marzuki Alie insisted the new building plan to continue the House, when President Yudhoyono has asked the ditbatalkan development. Coordinator of Advocacy and Investigation FITRA Uchok Sky Qaddafi said Marzuki Alie attitude can be said as a form of insubordination.

"Marzuki Alie had defiance against Yudhoyono. Where Yudhoyono said the construction of this building must stop Marzuki Alie went on to say should resume construction of the building, means Marzuki Alie conduct its own defiance of the board of supervisors. It's supposed to President SBY take real action, we'll wait. "

Similarly, Advocacy and Investigation Coordinator FITRA Uchok Sky Brother Qaddafi, consultation meeting with faction leaders Burt House last week, decided to stay to continue construction of the new parliament building which cost more than Rp 1 trillion rupiah. Only two factions in the House who still reject the new building plan, the fraction of PAN and Gerindra. The new building is planned to be built starting next June.

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