Saturday, May 21, 2011

whether the term of office of President SBY in Indonesia would like the President Ir. Soekarno first ? ( 2 )

See you again, ciluk baaaa .......
Fortunately, we can see, can go about the biography of the president of Indonesia yes. but we are going to discuss him with his family. we consider the news that going through this biography. information. .


The Yudhoyonos in a family outing, from left: Annisa Larasati Pohan, First Lady Ani Bambang, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and President Yudhoyono.
The name Yudhoyono is not an inherited surname; most Javanese do not have surnames. Rather, he chose it for his military name-tag, and it is how he is referred to abroad. His children go by the name Yudhoyono, and in formal meetings and functions he is addressed as Dr Yudhoyono. In Indonesia, he is referred to in some media as Susilo and is widely known as "SBY".
Yudhoyono lives both in the Presidential Merdeka Palace in Jakarta and his family residence in Cikeas, Bogor with his wife, Ani Bambang Yudhoyono. First Lady Ani Yudhoyono holds a political science degree from Merdeka University, and was the first vice chairman of her husband's Democratic Party. She is the eldest child of General (Ret.) Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, one of Indonesia's high-profile generals.
The family's eldest son, Captain Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (born 1978), graduated from Taruna Nusantara High School in 1997 and the Indonesian Military Academy in 2000 and is a holder of the Adhi Makayasa Medal like his father, continuing family tradition as the best graduate of the Military Academy. In July 2006, Agus graduated from the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, Singapore with a masters degree in strategic studies, and is currently studying in Harvard University. Yudhoyono gave a speech at Harvard Kennedy School in September 2009 and joked that his son became "another Harvard student working for" him – some of Yudhoyono's ministers and military generals also went to Harvard. He is married to Annisa Larasati Pohan, a fashion model and the daughter of a former Bank Indonesia vice-president. The couple's daughter and Yudhoyono's only grandchild, Almira Tunggadewi Yudhoyono, was born on August 17, 2008.
The family's younger son, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono(born 1982), received his bachelor degree in Economics from the Curtin University of Technology, in Perth, Western Australia and his Master Degree in the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, Singapore. In the 2009 general election, Edhie was elected as member of Parliament from Democratic Party and currently sits as a member of Parliament's Commission 1 dealing with international affairs.

Music / Discography

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is a musician and in his younger days was part of a band called Gaya Teruna. In the 2000s, he has come back to his early love of music by authoring and co-authoring three pop albums.
  • In 2007, he released his first music album entitled My Longing for You (English title), a collection of love ballads and religious songs. The 10-song tracklist features some of the country's popular singers performing the songs.
  • In 2009, he joined forces with Yockie Suryoprayogo under the name "Yockie and Susilo" releasing the album Evolusi.
  • In 2010, he released a new third album entitled I'm Certain I'll Make It (English title)

Selected publications by Yudhoyono

  • Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang (2000). Noeh, Munawar Fuad; Mustofa, Kurdi. eds (in Indonesian). Mengatasi Krisis, Menyelamatkan Reformasi (2nd ed.). Jakarta: Pusat Pengkajian Etika Politik dan Pemerintahan. ISBN 9799357004. 
  • Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang (2004) (in Indonesian). Taman Kehidupan: Kumpulan Puisi (2nd ed.). Jakarta: Yayasan Nida Utama. ISBN 979964318X. 
  • Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang (2004). Revitalizing Indonesian Economy: Business, Politics, and Good Governance. Bogor: Brighten Press. ISBN 9799643155. 
  • Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang (2005). Transforming Indonesia: Selected International Speeches (2nd ed.). Jakarta: Office of Special Staff of the President for International Affairs in co-operation with PT Buana Ilmu Populer. ISBN 9796948761.
if you want to know more detail, you can click the name of the underlined and bold. References, External links and to look into the Indonesian language support, click dsini!  

we suddenly could not immediately completed, but from the biography that we can make the saying goes that we must imitate. whether it ??????? find themselves, yes, definitely can not! that the majority of smart people, but smart people were minimal. so it should be smart people, smart people better.

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