Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Five events are troubling residents of Indonesia in the last five years

1. Solar Halo Phenomenon in Padang Earthquake omen?
Halo of the Sun: Stories Told and Retold
Sun halo phenomenon re-appeared in the sky of Padang, on Wednesday afternoon, April 13, 2011. Interestingly, the ring is not only a layer of the Sun visible, but two layers. Occurrences hello sun makes office Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Bayur Bay Maritime region flooded the phone and this time did not cause panic residents who will associate with the disaster or earthquake. "Hello sun began to appear about 1 hour ago, many residents and schools that call asking this phenomenon," Chief BMKG Bayur Bay, Padang, Amarizal said. All the callers asked the same question: "Is this a sign of disaster or earthquake," said Amarizal. He explains, hello The sun is just plain natural phenomenon which caused the evaporation process which cause the grains of ice.Ice grains reflect light to create the appearance of sun ring. "It's just common natural phenomena that occur when the sky is clear, no relation to the earthquake," said Amarizal. Sun halo apparition seen several times in the sky Padang. On Thursday, October 21, 2010, the appearance of sun halo cause panic residents.Some residents chose to flee, away from the beach, for fear that a big earthquake comes. Empty offices, students sent home early from school. Hello Sun is also seen in the sky Yogyakarta on Tuesday, January 4, 2011. Residents do not fret about the phenomenon. Jatmiko for example, he said, the big earthquake in Yogyakarta in 2006, Sun signing not hello but Cirrus clouds, cloud-shaped vertical.

2. The caterpillar outbreak Fur Controlled But Not Profitable?

Director of the Protection of Horticulture, Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Susilo said that outbreaks of caterpillars are present in Probolinggo it profitable for farmers.
The existence of caterpillar outbreak can speed up production. Outbreaks of caterpillars help speed up conception. Caterpillars that feed on these leaves fall to accelerate the process. So, a week to two weeks to grow more dense leaves and fruit. "The caterpillar hairs are not major pests of plants. The problem, caterpillars emerge in the neighborhood residents in large numbers on trees. It makes people worry and disgust. But, actually caterpillars that help speed up production," said Susilo. "We do control nuisance organiseme food (Popp). The agricultural officers in all districts in Indonesia to conduct examination on food crops. If found still egg-shaped, then just do a light spraying. Meanwhile, when it turned into a caterpillar, made of vegetable insecticide spraying," Susilo said. According to Susilo, although useful, Kementan party would control the outbreaks of caterpillars. This is because the community has been concerned about the presence of caterpillars that.

3. Bats invade and Tree Crops Production Citizens
Thousands of bats attacking and destroying hundreds of palm trees owned by residents in the Village Tondowatu, District Uluiwoi, Kolaka regency,
Southeast Sulawesi. Besides leaves, bats also damaged people's coconuts. The majority of coconut trees was a lot of people that have died and can not produce anymore. Anto, local villagers claimed can not do much to face the invasion of thousands of bats that had been going on for about 2 years. Though residents have been repeatedly expelled bat by hitting a coconut tree, but the bat just a moment and then fly back to the coconut tree. "This bat as if reluctant to leave the palm trees here," he said.Surprisingly, not only the coconut trees are invaded, but other trees also raided like a mango tree. As a result villagers had to suffer losses because the fruit of coconut that become the foundation of their economies were damaged. "Fortunately these bats to attack only the coconut trees only and not to attack humans," says Jufri, other villagers. Head of Plantation Kolaka, Kasim Madaria, said his party is still working to find ways to overcome this bat attack. According to him, thousands of bats that attack plants are migrating citizens after their habitat areas in the cave which is the region surrounding forest has been damaged a number of people are not responsible. "There is currently no effective way to overcome this problem. We will try to apply a mechanical way by placing a trap nets or using chemical substances "he said.

4. Garbage In Kuta, Bali, Not Block Tourist Arrivals

KUTA, raid trash to Kuta Beach, Bali, is expected to continue to take place until late May. Thus, a janitor Badung and Bali still had to work hard to clean beaches that became a favorite tourist location.
Head of Data and Information Center for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency Region III Endro Cahyono Denpasar, on Saturday (04/09/2011), stating that the cause of waste in a number of beaches in southern Bali, it was the wind from the west.He added that the western breeze that usually happens every year so that any incursion regular garbage every year. Light and heavy trash such as pieces of wood, he added, could come from anywhere, including from East Java.Separately, the Bali Tourism Board chairman Ngurah Wijaya respond calmly preaching 1 April issue of Time magazine titled "Holidays in Hell: Bali's Ongoing Woes". For him, the article is fact and not have to be denied or refuted. Ngurah Wijaya admit, Kuta Beach is a favorite location for tourists, including for the first time to Bali. However, not only beach in Bali in Kuta. "The important thing is, how to follow up on this criticism and overcome existing problems," he said.
Stay busy From observation, until the last Saturday of tourists still come and have fun fun playing around in Kuta Beach while watching the workers cleaning the beach. Chief Officers Unit Kuta Beach Tresna IGN even admitted impressed that greeted a number of tourists who are sympathetic towards the beach cleaning activity. According to records, Bali tourism bring in about 2.4 million foreign tourists via Ngurah Rai International Airport in 2010. This year the government is targeting 2.7 million foreign tourists visiting Bali.

5. Learning Activities tornado winds disrupted

Tornado [VHS]Brunt of tornado in Ngingas Village, Kecamatan Waru, Sidoarjo, East Java, forcing the Public Elementary School (SDN) Ngingas dismiss teaching and learning activities, on Monday (11 / 4).Teaching and learning process should be closed because a lot of shattered classrooms hit by a tornado. Pupils who go to work eventually deployed to clean the school's shattered. "Only a sixth grader who still make the learning process because they want exam. But learning activities should be moved to musala An Nur in front of the school," said Sofwan, one of the teachers at SDN. Meanwhile, residents complained about the lack of Sidoarjo regency government officials who went to the location of a tornado disaster. In fact, the disaster which hit the region Waru district on Sunday (10 / 4) afternoon causing dozens of homes were damaged.