Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Presidency Reveals Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (BJ Habibie)

Already Widespread international career a maestro who was called BJ Habibie or complete with the name of Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (born in Pare Pare, South Sulawesi, June 25, 1936, age 74 years) was the third President of the Republic of Indonesia. He succeeded Suharto, who resigned as president on May 21, 1998. His position was replaced by Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), who was elected president on October 20, 1999 by the Assembly election results 1999. By shaking for 2 months and 7 days as vice president, and 1 year and 5 months as president, Habibie was vice president and also President of Indonesia with the shortest tenure.

who did not know he was definitely tired of hearing directly, but what Kalina know the story of the journey which he lived when she was young until now! for that we see everything. .
Family and education

Habibie is the fourth child of eight siblings, spouses Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie was born on
August 17, 1908 in Gorontalo and RA Tuti Marini was born in Yogyakarta Puspowardojo 10 November 1911. Mother R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo is the son of an ophthalmologist in Yogya, and his father, who named Puspowardjojo served as a school owner. B.J. Habibie is a child of seven brothers.

B.J. Habibie is married to Hasri Ainun Besari on
May 12, 1962, and has two sons, namely Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.

He studied mechanical engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1954. In 1955-1965 he continued his study of aviation engineering, aircraft construction specialties, at RWTH Aachen, West Germany, received his Diplom ingineur in 1960 and a doctorate ingineur in 1965 with summa cum laude.

Jobs and careers

Habibie had worked at Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm, an aviation company based in
Hamburg, Germany, thereby reaching a career peak as a vice president of technology. In 1973, he returned to Indonesia at the request of former president Suharto.

He then served as Minister of State for Research and Technology since 1978 until March 1998. Before becoming president (
21 May 1998-20 October 1999), BJ Habibie was the Vice President (14 March 1998 - May 21, 1998) in the Seventh Development Cabinet under President Soeharto.

He was appointed general chairman of ICMI (Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association), in his tenure as minister.

The period of the Presidency

Habibie inherited the chaotic conditions of post-Soeharto's resignation due to mismanagement in the New Order era, giving rise to widespread unrest and disintegerasi almost all parts of
Indonesia. Immediately after obtaining the power of President Habibie immediately form a Cabinet. One important task is to re-gain the support of the International Monetary Fund and the community of donor countries for the economic recovery program. He also frees political prisoners and reduce controls on freedom of opinion and the activities of the organization.

In the brief era of his reign he succeeded in providing a firm foundation to
Indonesia, the era was born Anti-Monopoly Act or Fair Competition Act, changes in the political party law and the most important is the regional autonomy law. Through the implementation of regional autonomy law is inherited disintergrasi turmoil since the New Order era, successfully suppressed and finally resolved in the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in the absence of regional autonomy law can be sure Indonesia will suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.

In the economic field, he managed to cut the rupiah against the dollar is still range between Rp 10,000 - Rp 15,000. But at the end of his reign, especially after the Assembly rejected to account, exchange rate rocketed up to the level of Rp 6500 per U.S. dollar value will never be achieved again in the era of the next government. In addition, he also started applying the independence of Bank
Indonesia to be more focus on care of the economy.

One of the mistakes that are considered the largest opposition party after serving as President, BJ Habibie to allow the holding of referendum on the province of East Timor (now Timor Leste), he made it quite appalling that the public at the time, which conducted a poll for the citizens of East Timor to choose independence or remain part of Indonesia. During his presidency,
East Timor separated from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and became a separate, sovereign state on August 30, 1999. The liberation of East Timor on one hand was regretted by some Indonesian citizens, but on the other hand clear the name of Indonesia, which is often tainted by allegations of human rights violations in East Timor.

This case encourages the opposition is not satisfied with the background of the more enterprising Habibie dropped Habibie. This effort was ultimately successful in the General Assembly of 1999, he decided not to stand again after the report was rejected by the Assembly held accountable.

Views on the Habibie government in the early era of reform tends to be negative, but in line with the development of a positive rate of time much of the Habibie government. False positive outlook dikemukan by L. Misbah Hidayat In his book Administrative Reform: Comparative Study Three Presidential Administration.

Vision, mission and leadership of President Habibie in carrying out the reform agenda can not be released from his life experiences. Every decision made is based on factors that can be measured. So do not wonder any measures taken by the sometimes makes people surprised and did not understand. Even some people consider Habibie apolitical and unfeeling. Habibie's leadership pattern like that is understandable considering the educational background as a doctorate in the field of aircraft construction. In connection with the spirit of democratization, Habibie has made changes by building a transparent government, and dialogic. The principle of democracy is also applied in the economic policies that accompanied the rule of law and is intended for people's welfare. In managing the daily activities of the cabinet haripun, Habibie make major changes. He is improving coordination and remove egosentisme sekotral antarmenteri. In addition, a number of creative coloring Habibie's leadership style in handling the nation. [4] To solve economic problems, for example, he raised the entrepreneur becomes a special envoy. And employers themselves who bear the costs. The task is very important, because one of the weaknesses of the government is less to explain the real state of
Indonesia on the international community. Meanwhile the press, especially the foreign press, appears to be merely exposing the negative news about Indonesia that are not balanced in the news.

Post-Presidential Period

After he fell from his position as president, he lived in
Germany more than in Indonesia. But when the era of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's presidency, he re-active as an advisor to the president to oversee the process of democratization in Indonesia through an organization she founded Habibie Center.

Compared with before the era of former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Habibie obtain fragrant name among the younger generation of post-reform. This is due to that he probably was the only president in history to hold the country experiencing severe disintergrasi, the military bureaucracy and the mentally dilapidated low but managed to save the country and provide a solid new foundation for his successor. Indeed, during the Habibie Indonesia had to remove East Timor, but he managed to retain the former Dutch East Indies territory remain united in the Republic of Indonesia.

Work Habibie

    * Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aeronautical Science and Technology of
Indonesia / B. J. Habibie; B. Laschka [Editors]. Indonesian Institute of Aeronautical and Astronautical; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft-und Raumfahrt 1986
    * Eine zum Berechnungsmethode Voraussagen Fortschritts des beliebigen von Unter Rissen Belastungen Vergleiche und mit entsprechenden Versuchsergebnissen, Presented at Symposium in Baden-Baden DGLR ,11-13 October 1971
    * Beitrag zur der orthotropen Temperaturbeanspruchung Kragscheibe, Dissertation at the RWTH Aachen, 1965
    * Sophisticated technologies: taking root in developing countries, International Journal of Technology Management: IJTM. - Geneva-Aeroport: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 1990
    * Einführung in die finite Elementen Methode, Teil 1, Hamburger Flugzeugbau GmbH, 1968
    * Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Bestimmung des Rißfortschritts in Schalenstrukturen, Hamburger Flugzeugbau GmbH, Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GmbH, 1970
    * Entwicklung eines zur Bestimmung der Berechnungsverfahrens Schalenstrukturen Rißfortschrittsgeschwindigkeit an A1-Legierungen und aus Titanium, Hamburger Flugzeugbau GmbH, Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GmbH, 1969
    * The Determining Seconds - Indonesian Long Road to Democracy, 2006 (memoir about the events of 1998)

About Habibie

    * Hosen, Nadirsyah, Indonesian political laws in Habibie Era: Between the political struggle and law reform,, Nordic Journal of International Law, ISSN 0029-151X, Bd. 72 (2003), 4, p.. 483-518
    * Rice, Robert Charles, Indonesian approaches to technology policy During the Soeharto era: Habibie, Sumitro research and others, the Indonesian economic development (1990), p.. 53-66
    * Makka, Makmur.A, The True Life of HABIBIE Story Behind the Success, LITERATURE OF FAITH, ISBN 978-979-3371-83-2, 2008

1 comment: said...

BJ Habibie? goodman.
go a head!